Singing Guide: Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise

Singing Guide: Lamar Campbell & Spirit of Praise

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lamar Campbell is a gospel artist that inspires many with his soulful singing voice. To learn how to sing like him, you first need to understand his unique vocal technique. Lamar has a rich and powerful voice that is full of emotion. He uses vibrato to add depth and feeling to his notes, and he also employs a tight, controlled vocal style to create a clear and focused sound.

To develop your own Lamar-style vocal technique, Singing Carrots recommends starting with breathing basics and active breathing exercises to help support your voice. Lamar's voice is also characterized by his use of his chest voice register, paired with strong breath support to really drive the sound home.

Another key part of singing like Lamar is understanding how to deliver a strong emotional performance. Singing Carrots' singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article is a great resource for achieving this.

When practicing Lamar-style singing, be sure to warm up your voice with humming exercises, and focus on developing your vibrato. Lamar's soulful vocal performances are also often accompanied by a gospel choir, so consider practicing with other singers to help capture that authentic Lamar sound.

Finally, when searching for songs to sing in the style of Lamar Campbell, consider exploring Singing Carrots' song search tool, which allows you to search for songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

By following these practical tips and utilizing Singing Carrots' valuable vocal resources, you'll be on your way to singing like Lamar Campbell in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.